Thursday, November 4, 2010


On Monday, Professor David Matthews came to speak to us about different design practices. We'd talked about several of these before, but he brought up some that we had not covered yet, and gave us a little bit more depth of some of them. He took us to his blog, and through various links, showed us the websites of multiple famous design firms from all over the world.  It was really quite fascinating because the pictures these websites showed we absolutely amazing to look at--some of them brilliant.  It was neat to see some of the things interior designers can do that one would not typically think of, such as trade shows or exhibit design.  Most of the time, no one really thinks of how exhibits, etc. are planned out, but that they just appear.  The thought that goes into all of that, and the end result is really neat.  I also though the page(s) he showed us on lighting was really interesting.  I'm not sure it'd be quite my niche, but the end result is quite something.

Wednesday was a bit scattered, with questions and light arguments about the quality of HGTV.  It was just a sort of free discussion day with no set topic.  At the end of class, we talked a bit about was passive solar means, and its positive effects.

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