Friday, October 29, 2010


On Wednesday, we has Ryann Aoukar come to speak to us about the process of an interior design project.  He introduced us to all the other disciplines involved with our profession.  Some of them, I could have guessed, but some of them I hadn't even thought of.  It seems to be a very long process, because of all the things you have to do/people you work with.  Based roughly on Mr. Aoukar's presentation, there are 12 steps (or maybe phases, rather) to completing a project.  That sounds like a lot of hoops to jump through to me! On one hand, that looks kind of overwhelming, that you control all of these components of the building, on the other hand, how fun!  I am one who loves working under pressure and meeting deadlines, etc. so I feel like from what I know so far (which, in all actuality, is still very general), I feel like think is a fitting career choice for me.

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