Friday, November 19, 2010


This week, we didn't have any guest speakers, but rather, had group discussion.  We've spent time this week reviewing the things we've learned in different lectures from different speakers, adding tidbits along the way.  We learned about specific things like the Wassily Chair, and customs (how that affects the pricing).  We talked about Shaker Interiors, and how that was different than "normal" design.
On Wednesday, we reviewed another lecture and sustainability a little bit.  We also looked at how different elements of a room/design can affect the user even on a psychological level and proxemics.  I thought this topic was particularly interesting because it encapsulates everything that we (as people) think about in terms of design, if only on a subconscious level.  Another big thing we hit was the simple fact that everything we do must be ratoionalized; things can't just be "pretty."  The more we discuss, it seems the more there is to discuss.

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